The Carbon Mitigation Initiative (CMI) at Princeton University is a university-industry partnership sponsored by bp and Ford Motor Company. The goal of the project is to find solutions to the carbon and climate problem that are safe, effective and affordable. Now entering our 9th year, our researchers are speeding progress in the areas of carbon science, carbon capture, carbon storage, and carbon policy.

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The eighth year of the Carbon Mitigation Initiative was marked by bp’s decision to commit to the funding of CMI through 2015, a five-year extension that has enabled a deepening of commitment when otherwise we might have begun to close down.

This past year was also marked on campus by an extraordinary outpouring of support from students, faculty, administration, and alumni for Princeton to become the world’s leading university in climate and energy research. An early manifestation is the Energy Grand Challenge, a campus-focused effort to provide new courses, internships, and collegial opportunities for Princeton’s students. CMI has been viewed as a template for broadly based interdisciplinary collaborations and industry-university partnerships.

This eighth annual report provides brief reports from the Carbon Mitigation Initiative’s thirteen research groups. Two of these groups were added in the past year, one in nanomaterials and one in ocean biogeochemistry. The reports are presented under our four umbrellas: Carbon Capture, Carbon Storage, Carbon Science, and Carbon Integration.


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