• Al-Housseiny, T., P. Tsai, Z. Zhong, H.Stone, “The effect of permeability gradients on immiscible displacement in Hele-Shaw flows.” 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2 011.DFD.S20.7. 2011.
  • Bandilla, K.W., B. Court, T.R. Elliot, and M.A. Celia. “Comparison of Brine Production Scenarios for Geologic Carbon Sequestration Operations.” Proc. Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, February 2012.
  • Buscheck, T.A., Y. Sun, Y. Hao, M. Chen, B. Court, M.A. Celia, W.L. Bourcier, and T.J. Wolery. “Geothermal Energy Production from Actively Managed CO2 Storage in Saline Formations.” Proc. Geothermal Resources Council 35th Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 2011.
  • Buscheck, T.A., Y. Sun, M. Chen, Y. Hao, T.J. Wolery, W.L. Bourcier, B. Court, M.A. Celia, S.J. Friedmann, and R.D. Aines. “Active CO2 Reservoir Management for Carbon Storage: Analysis of Operational Strategies to Relieve Pressure Buildup and Improve Injectivity.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 6, 230-245, 2012.
  • Celia, M.A., J.M. Nordbotten, B. Court, M. Dobossy, and S. Bachu. “Field-scale Application of a Semianalytical Model for Estimation of CO2 and Brine Leakage along Old Wells.” J. Greenhouse Gas Control, 5(2), 257-269, 2011.
  • Court, B., K.W. Bandilla, M.A. Celia, A. Janzen, M. Dobossy, and J.M. Nordbotten. “Applicability of Vertical-equilibrium and Sharp interface Assumptions in CO2 Sequestration Modeling.” International Journal for Greenhouse Gas Control. Accepted for publication, 2012a.
  • Court, B., K.W. Bandilla, M.A. Celia, T.A. Buscheck, J.M. Nordbotten, A. Janzen, and M. Dobossy. “Initial Evaluation of Advantageous Synergies associated with Simultaneous Brine Production and CO2 Geological Sequestration.” International Journal for Greenhouse Gas Control, Accepted for publication, 2012b.
  • Court, B., T.R. Elliot, J.A. Dammel, T.A. Buscheck, J. Rohmer, and M.A. Celia. “Comprehensive Assessment of CCS Implementation Barriers: Promising Synergies to Address Sequestration Legal and Public Perception Challenges.” Special Issue on Carbon Capture and Storage of The Journal for Mitigation and Adaption Strategies for Global Change. In press.
  • Elliot, T.R. and M.A. Celia. “Potential Restrictions for CO2 Sequestration Sites due to Shale and Tight Gas Production.” Environmental Science and Technology. In review.
  • Gasda, S.E., J.M. Nordbotten, and M.A. Celia, “Vertically-averaged Approaches for CO2 Migration with Solubility Trapping.” Water Resources Research, 47, W05528, 2011. DOI:10.1029/2010WR009075.
  • Gasda, S.E., J.M. Nordbotten, and M.A. Celia. “Application of Simplified Models to CO2 Migration and Immobilization in Large-scale Geological Systems.” International Journal for Greenhouse Gas Control. Accepted for publication.
  • Goumiri, I.R., J.H. Prevost. “Cell to node projections: An assessment of error.” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 35(7), 837-845, 2011.
  • Goumiri, I.R., J.H. Prévost, M. Preisig. “The effect of capillary pressure on the saturation equation of two-phase flow in porous media.” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. DOI: 10.1002/nag.1022. 2011.
  • Joekar-Niasar, V., F. Doster, and M.A. Celia, “Trapping and Hysteresis in Two-phase Flow in Porous Media: A Pore-network Study”, to be submitted to Water Resources Research. In preparation.
  • Liu, Y., Panagiotopoulos AZ, Debenedetti PG. “Monte Carlo simulations of high-pressure phase equilibrium of CO2-H2O Mixtures.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115,6629-6635, 2011. DOI: 10.1021/jp201520u)
  • Nogues, J.P., B. Court, M. Dobossy, J.M. Nordbotten, M.A. Celia. “A Methodology to Estimate Maximum Probable Leakage along Old Wells in a Geological Sequestration Operation.” International Journal for Greenhouse Gas Control, 7, 39- 47, 2012.
  • Nogues, J.P., J.P. Fitts, M.A. Celia, and C.A. Peters. “Permeability Evolution due to Dissolution and Precipitation of Carbonate Rocks using Reactive Transport Modeling in Pore Networks.” Water Resources Research. To be submitted.
  • Nordbotten, J.M. and M.A. Celia. Geological Storage of CO2: Modeling Approaches for Largescale Simulation. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 235 pp., 2012.
  • Preisig, M., J.H. Prevost. “Coupled multi-phase thermo-poromechanical effects. Case study: CO2 injection at In Salah, Algeria”. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 5(4), 1055-1064, 2011.
  • Preisig, M., J.H. Prévost. “Fully coupled simulation of fluid injection into geomaterials with focus on nonlinear near-well behavior”. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. DOI: 10.1002/nag.1039. 2011.
  • Preisig, M., J.H. Prevost. “New findings on limit state analysis with unstructured triangular finite elements”. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. In preparation.
  • Preisig, M., J.H. Prévost. “Stabilization procedures in coupled poromechanics problems: A critical assessment”. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 35(11), 1207-1225, 2011.
  • Sarupria, S., Debenedetti PG. “Molecular Dynamics Study of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Dissociation.” Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115, 6102–611, 2011. DOI: 10.1021/jp110868t).
  • Tsai, P., T. Al-Housseiny, Z. Zhong, H.Stone. “Density-Driven Convection with an Inclined Boundary.” 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.DFD.S16.8.2011.
  • Zhong, Z., P. Tsai, T.Al-Housseiny, H.Stone. “Gravity Current in Horizontal Porous Media with A Permeability Gradient,” 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.DFD.S16.4.2011.