- Al-Housseiny, T.T., P.A. Tsai and H.A. Stone. “Control of interfacial instabilities using flow geometry.” Nature Physics 8, 747-750. 2012.
- Bandilla, K.W., M.A. Celia, T.R. Elliot, M. Person, K. Ellet, J. Rupp, C. Gable and M. Dobossy, “Modeling Carbon Sequestration in the Illinois Basin using a Vertically-integrated Approach”, to appear, Computing and Visualization in Science, 2013.
- Bandilla, K.W., B. Court, T.R. Elliot and M.A. Celia, “Comparison of Brine Production Scenarios for Geologic Carbon Sequestration Operations”, Proc. Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, February 2012.
- Buscheck, T.A., M. Chen, C. Lu, Y. Sun, Y. Hao, M.A. Celia, T.R. Elliot, H. Choi and J.M. Bielicki, “Analysis of Operational Strategies for Utilizing CO2 for Geothermal Energy Production”, Proc. Thirty-eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, California, February, 2013.
- Buscheck, T.A., T.R. Elliot, M.A. Celia, M. Chen, Y. Sun, Y. Hao, C. Lu, T.J. Wolery and R.D. Aines, “Integrated Geothermal CO2 Reservoir Systems: Reducing Carbon Intensity through Sustainable Energy Production and Secure CO2 Storage”, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-11), Kyoto, Japan, November 2012b.
- Buscheck, T.A., Y. Sun, M. Chen, Y. Hao, T.J. Wolery, W.L. Bourcier, B. Court, M.A. Celia, S.J. Friedmann and R.D. Aines, “Active CO2 Reservoir Management for Carbon Storage: Analysis of Operational Strategies to Relieve Pressure Buildup and Improve Injectivity”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 6, 230-245, 2012a.
- Court, B., K.W. Bandilla, M.A. Celia, A. Janzen, M. Dobossy, and J.M. Nordbotten. “Applicability of Vertical-equilibrium and Sharp-interface Assumptions in CO2 Sequestration Modeling”, International Journal for Greenhouse Gas Control, 10, 134-147, 2012a.
- Court, B., K.W. Bandilla, M.A. Celia, T.A. Buscheck, J.M. Nordbotten, A. Janzen and M. Dobossy, “Initial Evaluation of Advantageous Synergies associated with Simultaneous Brine Production and CO2 Geological Sequestration”, International Journal for Greenhouse Gas Control, 8, 90- 100, 2012c.
- Court, B., T.R. Elliot, J.A. Dammel, T.A. Buscheck, J. Rohmer and M.A. Celia, “Promising Synergies to Address Water, Sequestration, Legal, and Public Acceptance Issues associated with Largescale Implementation of CO2 Sequestration”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (Special Issue on Carbon Capture and Storage), 17(6), 569-599, 2012b.
- Doster, F., J.M. Nordbotten and M.A. Celia, “Hysteretic Upscaled Constitutive Relationships for Vertically Integrated Porous Media”, to appear, Computing and Visualization in Science, 2013.
- Duguid, A., R. Butsch, J.W. Carey, M. Celia, N. Chuganov, S. Gasda, T.S. Ramakrishnan, V. Stamp. J. Wang, “Pre-injection Baseline Data Collection to Establish Existing Wellbore Leakage Properties”, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-11), Kyoto, Japan, November 2012.
- Elliot, T.R. and M.A. Celia, “Potential Restrictions for CO2 Sequestration Sites due to Shale and Tight Gas Production”, Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 4223-4227, 2012.
- Elliot, T.R., T.A. Buscheck and M.A. Celia, “Active CO2 Reservoir Management for Sustainable Geothermal Energy Extraction and Reduced Leakage”, to appear, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2013.
- Gasda, S.E., J.M. Nordbotten and M.A. Celia, “Application of Simplified Models to CO2 Migration and Immobilization in Large-scale Geological Systems”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Technologies, 9, 72-84, 2012a.
- Gasda, S.E., M.A. Celia, J.Z. Wang and A. Duguid, “Wellbore Permeability Estimates from Vertical Interference Testing of Existing Wells”, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-11), Kyoto, Japan, November 2012b.
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- Guo, B., K. Bandilla, and M. Celia, “Inclusion of Vertical Dynamics in Vertically Integrated Models for CO2 Storage”, Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, December, 2012.
- Huang, X., K. Bandilla, M.A. Celia, S. Bachu, D. Rebscher, Q. Zhou and J.T. Birkholzer, “Modeling Carbon Dioxide Storage in the Basal Aquifer of Canada”, Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, December, 2012.
- Joekar-Niasar, V., F. Doster and M.A. Celia, “Trapping and Hysteresis in Two-phase Flow in Porous Media: A Pore-network Study”, under revision, Water Resources Research, 2013.
- Kang, M., J.M. Nordbotten, F. Doster, and M.A. Celia, “Vertical Flow Effects on Gravity Currents with Leakage through Faults”, in preparation, 2013.
- Liu, Y., T.Lafitte, A.Z. Panagiotopoulos and P.G. Debenedetti. “Simulations of vaporliquid phase equilibrium and interfacial tension in the CO2 -H2O-NaCl system” AIChE Journal, accepted for publication January, 2013
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- Nogues, J.P., B. Court, M. Dobossy, J.M. Nordbotten and M.A. Celia, “A Methodology to Estimate Maximum Probable Leakage along Old Wells ina Geological Sequestration Operation”, International Journal for Greenhouse Gas Control, 7, 39-47, 2012.
- Nogues, J.P., J.P. Fitts, M.A. Celia and C.A. Peters, “Permeability Evolution due to Dissolution and Precipitation of Carbonate Rocks using Reactive Transport Modeling in Pore Networks”, Water Resources Research. In Review. 2013.
- Nordbotten, J.M. and M.A. Celia, Geological Storage of CO2 : Modeling Approaches for Large-scale Simulation, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 235 pages, 2012.
- Nordbotten, J.M., B. Flemisch, S.E. Gasda, H.M. Nilsen, Y. Fan, G.E. Pickup, B. Wiese, M.A. Celia, H.K. Dahle, G.T. Eigestad and K. Pruess, “Uncertainties in Practical Simulation of CO2 Storage”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Technologies, 9, 234-242, 2012.
- Person, M., M. Schlegel, Y. Zhang, J. Rupp, K. Ellett, B. Bowen, C. Gable, J. McIntosh, K. Bandilla and M. Celia, “Effects of Pleistocene Glaciations on the Distribution of Freshwater and Brines across the Illinois Basin, USA”, under review, Geofluids. 2013.
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- Zhang, Y., M. Person, J. Rupp, K. Ellett, M.A. Celia, C.W. Gable, B. Bowen, J. Evans, K. Bandilla, P. Mozley, T. Dewers, and T. Elliot, “Potential to Induce Seismicity in Crystalline Basement Rocks by Fluid Injection into Basal Reservoirs”, Geophysical Research Letters. In Review. 2013.
- Zheng, Z., B. Soh, H. E. Huppert and H. A. Stone. “Fluid drainage from the edge of a porous reservoir”. American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2012
- Zheng, Z., B. Soh, H.E. Huppert, and H.A. Stone. ”Fluid drainage from the edge of a porous reservoir”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. To appear. 2013
- Zheng,Z., B. Soh, H.E. Huppert and H. A. Stone. “Fluid drainage from a porous reservoir and possible application to CO2 storage”. First International Education Forum on Environmental and Energy Science, Kona, HI, December 2012